Spiky Vase

  • Ikuko Iwamoto surreal ceramic spiky vase £300, decorative homeware from art & decorative objects boutique Kingdom of Razz
  • Ikuko Iwamoto cool porcelain spiky vase £300. Decorative handcrafted homeware from arty concept store Kingdom of Razz.

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Handcrafted Porcelain Vase


“A profusion of porcelain spikes, a body so smooth and shiny, my contradictions are sublime, it’ll make you weep.  I’m a real beauty. You know it takes hours of fine craftsmanship to create moi. And my, doesn’t it show? 

I’m the Spiky vase, 100% handcrafted from porcelain. You know you want me.”

Handcrafted porcelain vase, 29 x 14cm.